Krista Stewart Hunghee Ancestral Energy Founder Bio. SLC, UT. Best Carnivore Energy Gel, Hiking, Gymnastics, Mountain Biking

Krista Stewart, FOUNDER

Former Elite Gymnast, Member of the USA Gymnastics team and NCAA Division 1 scholarship athlete at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Krista strives for the gold in everything she pursues.

Her passion lies in the outdoors, exploring every square mile of Utah’s Wasatch Range on foot, mountain bike, snowboard, and sometimes, yes, her hands! #gymnastforever

Prepping for 20 mile treks and 8-hour snowboarding days became frustrating as most energy snacks contain unnecessary fillers and low quality ingredients. While on a daily outdoor journey with her brother, she discovered few options to adequately fuel and support her body and needs while being active. She would add a jar of honey and ghee to her pack as a quick nutrient dense fuel source that would keep her satiated and energized throughout her adventure. Since then, she hasn’t looked back. Because it was hardly the most convenient way to carry around healthy snacks—then it hit! We all need an on-the-go energy snack of honey and ghee—and so, Hunghee was born! Krista created this resource, to address the need for a better, healthier, more consistent and effective fuel source for everyone, and Hunghee was the clear and best choice.

"I don't mean to pick favorites, but peanut butter tastes like peanut butter frosting!

AND the best part is it's 100% guilt free! Packed with Omega 3's, B vitamins, and electrolytes." -K

  • Hiking Hunghee Ancestral Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Best Natural Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Endurance, Nature

    What is Hunghee?

    On-the-go superfood energy packed with bioavailable nutrients necessary for peak athletic performance and adventure, including organic grass-fed ghee, raw honey, and ancient sea salt that maximizes what you put in your body, to deliver performance.

  • Ultra Runner Hunghee Ancestral Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Best Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Endurance, Athletes, Running

    Who is Hunghee for?

    Athletes, outdoor adventurers and anyone who is active: hiker, trail runner, snowboarder, mountain biker, triathlete, rock climber, marathoner, kayaker, cyclist, backpacker, skier, ultra-marathoner, and morel

  • Timed Nutrition Hunghee Ancestral Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Best Natural Energy Gel Endurance, Running, Hiking, Biking

    When should I eat Hunghee?

    Consume Hunghee 30min prior to activity, during activity for sustained energy, and after activity to refuel your muscles. The longer and more intense the activity, the more frequently we suggest you consume Hunghee Energy.