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What is HUNGHEE? | What is GHEE?

On-the-go superfood energy made with the most bioavailable nutrients to taste like frosting!

  • Organic grass-fed ghee (aka clarified butter containing no milk solids: lactose, whey, casein)
  • Raw honey (never heated to maintain all it's electrolytes, B vitamins and enzymes)
  • Sea salt from Utah's own ancient sea bed (maintaining all its beneficial trace minerals).

Raw honey is a fast burning fuel source for quick energy, whereas essential fat from organic grass-fed ghee is a slow burning fuel source for sustained activity. Together, honey and ghee create a synergistic effect providing a much smoother, consistent release of energy.

Hunghee Ancestral Energy SLC, Utah. Best Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Running, Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Climbing

Back to our ancestral diet...


-No Gluten

-No Casein

-No Lactose

-No Synthetics

-No Preservatives

-No Artificial Flavors

-Made with 5 ingredients or less

100% REAL food = real ENERGY!

Hunghee Ancestral Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Best Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Endurance, Athletes, Mountains

WHEN to use Hunghee

1) 30min prior to activity to avoid muscle fatigue.

2) During activity for sustained energy.

3) At the end of activity to refuel muscles.

P.S. Knead packet before opening and stay hydrated with water!

Yoga Hunghee Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Natural Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Endurance, Athletes

Weekend Warrior

Whether you are training for your first marathon or planning a weekend adventure with friends, fuel up with a Hunghee variety pack, and let us know your favorite flavor!

Family hiking Hunghee Energy Salt Lake City, Utah. Best Carnivore Energy Gel for Sport Nutrition, Endurance, Athletes

Summit Seeker

Your 20 mile trek or 8 hour ski day demands some major calories packed with nutrients so your body and mind can help accomplish your goals. Elevate your endurance!

Try a 24-PACK
  • Weston A. Price Foundation

    “Before the industrialization of agriculture, cattle grazed on pasture during all but the harshest weather. In winter, they ate hay (dried grass) or silage (fermented grass) or root vegetables. Today’s system is based on grains (including legumes like soybeans) given to animals in confinement. During the time when the cultivation of our animal foods has been transferred from farms to factories, the incidence of chronic disease has risen precipitously. Two of the latest theories about the origins of heart disease are chronic inflammation in the arteries and thyroid insufficiency. The fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D and K2/activator X), which occur in the fat of grass-fed animals, support endocrine function and protect against inflammation. [These] fat-soluble vitamins in butterfat from grass-fed ruminant animals aid mineral absorption and support endocrine function, allowing optimum physical development and lifelong good health.”

    - Weston A. Price Foundation

  • Paul Saladino, MD

    "Honey contains nutrients. These unprocessed or minimally processed forms of sugar in the human diet actually contain nutrients that can help you live a more rich life. You want your honey to be fresh, raw, organic, local, higher quality honey, real honey with actual nitric oxide metabolites [which] might be responsible for the biological and therapeutic effects of honey. Don't fear carbohydrates and don't fear fructose in the form of evolutionarily consistent foods. Insulin is not the problem. Insulin induced insulin resistance is the main cause of metabolic dysfunction in humans. Once you correct insulin resistance by removing things like seeds oils and artificial sweeteners from your diet, your blood sugar levels will come down even if you're eating carbohydrates. If you want to thrive, eat like your ancestors have.”

    - Paul Saladino MD Podcast

  • Max Lugavere, Nutritionist

    “All grain and seed oils undergo intensive processing, and one of the steps of that processing chain is called deodorization, which makes these oils bland, endows them with a very high smoke point, and allows manufacturers to use the in innumerable ultra processed foods. The issue is that this step creates a small, but significant amount of trans fats. We know that there is no safe level of trans fat consumption. About ten years ago, the FDA banned trans fats, and their most common appearance, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, but we can still find them in the food supply in the form of these grain and seed oils. Canola oil is an example of one of these types of fats, that because of the preponderance of polyunsaturated fat, HAT [Health Assessment and Toxicology] contains man made trans fats, which we know are poisonous to our cardiovascular system as well as our brain. Studies have shown that commercially available grain and seed oils have already undergone a significant degree of oxidation, and damaged fat damages you.”

    - The Genius Life Podcast

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